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Click on the video to watch the Introductory Lame Talk Session
(To unmute, hover over the bottom of the video and click on the microphone)

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Lame Talk

  • Learn about the causes, diagnosis, and treatments of lameness

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  • 4 new episodes every month
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    Plans automatically renew yearly unless cancelled

- Elbow Dysplasia
What is Hip Dysplasia?

- What is Patella Luxation?
- What is Cranial Cruciate      Ligament Disease?
- Stifle Anatomy

- Elbow Anatomy
Pelvis Anatomy 

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  • Lame Talk

    Every year
    Learn about causes of lameness and treatments for your dog
    • Unlimited access to all Lame Talk episodes.
    • Four new episodes each month

Plans will automatically renew annually unless cancelled.


- Introduction
- Questionnaires for Lameness
- How common is osteoarthritis?
- Is it OK to let my puppy jump off furniture?
- Why does my dog sit crooked?
- Why does my dog skip in the hind leg?

- How to tell if your dog is lame
- Feeling your dog for problems

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